In the Emperor's footsteps...                                          

                                                               ...and in mine!





LOST Monuments

ENDANGERED monuments

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1793-1797 1796-1797 1798-1801 1805 1806 1807 Peninsular


1813 1814 The Eagle's Return 1815

Why this title?   Because I wanted to indicate which battlefields I already visited, to give a better idea of the situation and of the pictures of memorials I have.  The battlefields I have already visited are mentioned in yellow and, if there is something on this website, the links are in white and those I have not (yet) visited are indicated in red . You'll quickly understand that I only show you here a very small part of what I have.  Not speaking of other subjects: the French-German war of 1870-71 (already more than 3.000 memorial listed, I have the intention of writing a book about it -later), WW1 and WW2, Frederic II's campaigns, etc...  Beware, this table doesn't mention everything, I have probably forgotten to mention many smaller battles.

You should also know that I not only take pictures of memorials, but also - and I could also say, above all- of the battlefields themselves.  Indeed, more and more often, and at an accelerating pace, these battlefields are destroyed by a galloping urbanisation: housing development, industrial estates, etc... destroy these historic places forever.  Europe - unfortunately - is not the United States, where many Civil War battlefields are protected.  In Europe, only one battlefield is protected, the one at Waterloo, and in a very imperfect way : just look at what is done there, or what has been done, to see how badly the law is respected, and only a part of the battlefield is protected...

So I try, as well as I can, to take a maximum number of pictures of these places, to better understand how these battles took place and where the troops stood.  These few thousand pictures and hundreds of hours of film will maybe remain some of the rare testimonies for the future.  As an example of this, I just arrived one or two years too late for the battlefield of Vitoria, which is now a huge industrial estate where only a few bridges and churches stand as silent witnesses of yesterday's fighting .  At Corunna, things aren't much better; you even have difficulties to find the small village of Elviňa in the middle of the university campus and the retail park.  At Essling, I only found it a few preserved acres of the battlefield.  Preserved, but for how long?

But not everything is that negative: at Teugn-Hausen (where the monument was only placed  in 2009 !) the battlefield -including the woods- is miraculously preserved.  There is not a single building to spoil the battlefield and it's just if Davout's soldiers have just left. The same for Craufurd's Light Brigade on the rio Coa!

So, if you want to see some battlefield or memorial, or if you want to ask a question, don't hesitate to contact me. But keep in mind but I can't always answer you at once, for professional or for other reasons, or because I have been asked some other biography.

Have a nice visit!

In order to better understand the coalition wars against revolutionary and imperial France :

Animation made by the French Army museum

Beware :
                                                    - if there is no link for the battle itself, click on the general campaign link (in orange).
                                                    - More and more maps have clickable links which will lead you directly to the requested location.

[Out of subject :

- First Coalition (1793-1797) :

- Wars of the French Republic : (1792-1796):
            - in Northern and Eastern France: quite a lot
            - in Vendée : nearly exhaustively
            - Siege of Toulon]


- First Italian campaign (1796-1797)
1st phase : 24 March - 31 May 1796 : Bonaparte's Offensive
A. Elimination of Piemont (24 March-28 April)
1. 09/04/1796. Fight at Voltri
2. 11-12/04/1796. Battle of Montenotte
3. 13-14/04/1796. Battle of Millesimo / Cosseria
4. 15/05/1796. Fight at Dego
5. 17/04/1796. Fight at La Pedaggera : attack of the left of tha camp at Ceva
6. 20/04/1796. Fight at Sant Michele di Mondovi
7. 22/04/1796. Battle of Mondovi
8. 24/04/1796. Conquest of Bene.
9. 25/04/1796. Fight at and taking of Cherasco.
10. 25/04/1796. Taking of Fassano
11. 25/04/1796. Taking of' Alba
12. 26/04/1796. Proclamation of Bonaparte to his Army and to the people of Italy.
13. 28/04/1796. Armistice of Cherasco between the French Republic and the King of Sardinia
B. Manoeuvre of Lodi (29 April - 10 May)
1. Fight at Guardamiglio
2. Fight at Fombio
3. 10/05/1796 : Fight at Codogno
4. 10/05/1796 : Battle of the bridge at Lodi
C. Manoeuvre of Castelnovo
2nd phase : 31 May 1796 - 2 February 1797 : Strategic wait on the Adige
1. 03-05/08/1796 : Wurmser's first offensive - Battle of Castiglione/Lonato
2. Wurmser's second offensive
    04/09/1796 : Battle of Roveredo
    08/09/1796 : Battle of Bassano

3. 15-17/11/1796 (25 - 27 Brumaire an V) : Alvinczi's first offensive : Battle of Arcole
4. 14-15/01/1797 (25 Nivôse an V) : Alvinczi's second offensive : Battle of Rivoli
3e phase : 2 February - 13 April 1797 : the 1797 campaign in the Alps
May - novembre 1796 : Mombello

18/10/1797 Treaty of Campo-Formio

- Campaign in France :
            1796 siege of Huningue

- Second Coalition (1798-1800) :

- Egyptian campaign (1798-1801) : nothing (apart from a few memorials in Israel)

- 1799 Campaign :

- 1800 Campaign :
              - Second Italian campaign
            - in Germany :
              07/06/1800 Unterhausen
              03/12/1800 Hohenlinden
              - in Austria :
              12/12/1800 Windhausen, Lofer
              19-21et 24/12/1800: Melleck
              19/12/1800 Lambach

30/09/1800 Treaty of Mortefontaine
09/02/1801 Treaty of Lunéville

25/03/1802 Treaty and Peace of Amiens


The "Camp de Boulogne"


- Third Coalition (1805)

- 1805 Campaign:

- in Bavaria : for a summary of the campaign until Ulm, see at Ulm.
07-08/10/1805 Donauwörth
09-11/10/1805 Augsburg

11/10/1805 Haslach
11/10/1805 Jungingen

14/10/1805 Elchingen

15-17/10/1805 Ulm

22-23/10/1805 Augsburg

- 21/10/1805 Trafalgar

- in Austria :

28/10/1805 Haag
29/10/1805 Muhldorf - Burghausen - Braunau
31/10/1805 Lambach

01/11/1805 Altheim-Ried
02/11/1805 Haag
03/11/1805 Lambach

04-08/11/1805 : Linz
05/11/1805 Amstetten

09/11/1805 Strengberg
10/11/1805 Melk

11/11/1805 Dürrenstein
16/11/1805 Schöngraben, Hollabrunn

- 02/12/1805 Austerlitz :
unfortunately not yet visited, but some maps and pictures taken by correspondents
26/12/1805 Peace of Pressburg (Bratislava)

- in Tyrol :
31/10/1805 Pass Lueg,
02-03/11/1805 Pass Strub
04/11/1805 Scharnitz
04/11/1805 Leutasch
08/11/1805 Kufstein

- Fourth Coalition (1806-1807)

- 1806 Campaign:
            - in Thuringia:
            09/10/1806 Schleiz
            10/10/1806 Saalfeld
            14/10/1806 Iéna
            14/10/1806 Auerstaedt

            Nothern Germany

            - Maida (It)
- 1806-07 Campaign against Russia : not much yet, but some maps and already a lot of pictures taken by correspondents

23/12/1806 : Czarnowo
26/12/1806 : Pultusk
26/12/1806 : Golymin

01-05/1807 : Saalfeld (Zalewo)

07/02/1807 : Eylau

16/02/1807 : Ostrolenka

21/02 -01/04/1807 : Napoleon at Osterode (Ostróda)

02/04/1807 : Napoleon at the castle of Finkenstein (Kamieniec)

06/06/1807 : Napoleon at Saalfeld (Zalewo)

10/06/1807 : Heilsberg

14/06/1807 : Friedland

the Peninsular War (1807-1814)

- 1807 :

1808 :
03/05/1808 Madrid
06/06/1808 Torquemada
15/06/1808 beginning 1st siege of Saragossa (-> 15/08/1808)
19-22/06/1808 1st siege of
12/07/1808 Cabezon de Pisuerga
14/07/1808 Medina de Rio Seco - Palacios de Campos
24/07-16/08/1808 2nd siege of
Gerona (-> 20/08/1808)
15/08/1808 end of 1st siege of Saragossa
Roliça - Columbeira - Obidos
Vimeiro - Ventosa
10/11/1808 Gamonal
10-11/11/1808 Espinosa
29/11/1808 Boceguillas (Napoleon's HQ)
20/12/1808 beginning 2nd siege of Saragossa (->20/02/1809)
21/12/1808 Molins de Rey
25-26/12/1808 Tordesillas (Napoleon's HQ)
26/12/1808 Mayorga
28/12/1808 Valderas
29/12/1808 Benavente-Castrogonzalo
29/12/1808 Mansilla de las Mulas

1809 :
01/01/1809 Cebrones del Rio
03/01/1809 Cacabelos
06-16/01/1809 Simancas
La Coruňa
20/02/1809 end of 2nd siege of Saragossa
20/06/1809 beginning of the 3rd siege of
Gerona (-> 11/12/1809)
Talavera de la Reina
Ponte Sampaio
08/08/1809 Arzobispo
18/10/1809 Tamames
23/11/1809 Medina del Campo - Carpio
28/11/1809 Alba de Tormes
11/12/1809 end of the 3rd siege of
11/1809 - 09/1810 : Torres-Vedras

- 1810 :
1810 Sapataria (Beresford's HQ)
05/02/1810 siege of Cadiz (-> 24/08/1812)
12/02/1810 Caceres
16/02/1810 Barba del Puerco (Puerto Seguro)
27/02/1810 Barba del Puerco
08/03/1810 Barba del Puerco
19-20/03/1810 Barba del Puerco
03-04/1810 Fuenteguinaldo (Wellington's HQ)
17/05/1810 Trujillo
30/05-10/07/1810 1st siege of Cuidad Rodrigo
06/1810 Gallegos de Argaňan
11/07/1811 Villar de Puerco (de Argaňan)
26/07-29/08/1810 siege of Almeida (Pt)
21/07/1810 Fuerte Concepçion
rio Coa (Pt)
Buçaco (Pt)
22/11/1810 Fuentesauco (Pt)
11/1810 Pero Negro (Wellington's HQ) (Pt)
- 1811 :
26/01/1811 Badajoz
Chiclana - Barossa
15/03/1811 Foz do Arouce
25/03/1811 Campo Maior
03/04/1811 Sabugal
10/04/1811 -19/08/1811 siege of
22-26/04/1811 siege of Badajoz
Fuentes de Oňoro - Poço Belo - Nave de Aver
05/05/1811 Fuerte Concepçion
09/05/1811 Almeida (Pt)
11/05/1811 Aldea del Obispo
La Albuera
22/06/1811 Elvas (Pt)
19/08/1811 end of the siege of Figueres, end of the siege of Figueres, taking of the fortress of San Ferran by the French
25-26/09/1811 El Bodon (El Carpio)
25/10/1811 Sagunto

- 1812 :
Cuidad Rodrigo
17+27/06/1812 Salamanca
Los Arapiles
23/07/1812 Garciahernandez
30/07/1812 Boecillio (06-07/09-29/10/1812 - Wellington's HQ)
14/08/1812 Valladolid
24/08/1812 en of the siege of Cadix
18/09-22/10/1812 siege of
27/10/1812 Tordesillas
10-11/11/1812 Alba de Tormes
11/1812 Rueda (Wellington's HQ)
11/1812 - 05/1813 Freineda (Pt) (Wellington's HQ)

- 1813 :
11/05/1813 Castro-Urdiales
21/06/1813 Vitoria
26/06/1813 Tolosa
07/07-08/09/1813 siege of
San Sebastian
25/07/1813 Maya
07/30-01/08/1813 Sorauren
13/08/1813 Irun - San Marcial
07/10/1813 Vera da Bidasoa
10/11/1813 Nivelle - Ascain - St-Pée-sur-Nivelle - Amotz
09-12/12/1813 Nive
13/12/1813 Bayonne -Arcangues - Croix de Mouguerre

- 1814 :
16/01/1814 Molins de Rey
23-26/02/1814 siege of
Pau - Orthez
Toulouse, Montferrand.

- Fifth Coalition (1809)

- 1809 campaign:  nearly exhaustively (apart from Italy)

You can download my lecture (in French) on the 1809 campaign here (+/- 2 hours) : Conférence1809


- in Bavaria :
13/04/1809 : Muhldorf
16/04/1809 Landshut
19/04/1809 Teugn-Hausen
19/04/1809 Dunzling
19-20/04/1809 Ratisbon
20/04/1809 Abensberg
21/04/1809 Landshut
21-22/04/1809 Eckmühl
23/04/1809 Ratisbon
24/04/1809 Neumarkt an der Rott (Neumarkt-Sankt Veit)

- in Austria :
28/04/1809 Burghausen
30/04/1809 Ranshofen
01/05/1809 Braunau
02/05/1809 Altheim - Ried - Lambach
07/05/1809 Melk
03/05/1809 Ebelsberg
04-07/05/1809 : Enns
21-22/05/1809 Aspern-Essling
05-06/07/1809 Wagram
09/07/1809 Hollabrunn
10/07/1809 Schöngraben
1809-1810 : Haag am Hausruck

- in Czechia : 
11-12/07/1809 Znaïm
- in Slovakia :
- in Hungary :

- in Tyrol :
11/04/1809 Scharnitz
13/04/1809 Innsbruck
01/05/1809 Pass Lueg
03-04/05/1809 Pass Strub
04-05/05/1809 Pass Lueg
11/05/1809 Pass Strub
11/05/1809 Kufstein
13/05/1809 Wörgl
1809 Landl
25+29/05/1809 Hall, Bergisel
26/05/1809 Innsbruck
13/08/1809 Bergisel
05/07/1809 Sachsengang
24/07/1809 Pass Lueg
13/08/1809 Bergisel
14/08/1809 Innsbruck
Birgitz, Sankt-Johann, Kirchdorf, Waidring.
25/09/1809 Pass Lueg
01/11/1809 Bergisel

- in Italy (Tyrol) :
11/04-08-09/08/1809 Sterzing
08-09/08/1809 Sterzing
25/11/1809 Sankt-Leonhard
Tiroldorf, Meran
- rest of Italy : nothing

- in Germany:
05/05/1809 Dodendorf
15/05/1809 Dömitz
24/05/1809 Damgarten
25-31/1809 Stralsund

01/08/1809 Brunswick
01/08/1809 Oelper

- Sixth Coalition (1812-1814)

- Campaign of 1812 : the bicentenary of the campaign




25-27/07/1812 1st Witebsk


14/08/1812 : 1st Krasnoë

17-18/08/1812 : Smolensk

19/08/1812 :Valoutina-Gora

20/08/1812 : 1st Wiasma
17-18/08/1812 :  1st Polotsk

05-07/09/1812 : Borodino (la Moskowa)

18-19/10/1812 : 2nd Polotsk
24/10/1812 : Malojaroslawetz

03/11/1812 : 2nd Wiasma
07/11/1812 : 2nd Witebsk

16-17-18/11/1812 : 2nd Krasnoë
26-27-28/11/1812 : Borisov - the Berezina
12/1812-01/1813 : Vilnius


- War of 1812
            24/12/1814 Treaty of Ghent

- 1813 campaign:  nearly exhaustively

- Spring campaign
01-02/04/1813 Lüneburg
03-04-05/04/1813 Möckern-Dannigkow
13/04/1813 Bad Langensalza,
29/04/1814 Merseburg
01/05/1813 Rippach
01/05/1813 Weissenfels
02/05/1813 Lützen/Grossgörschen
12/05/1813 la Göhrde (first fight)
19/05/1813 Eichberg/Weissig/Königswartha
20-21/05/1813 Bautzen/Würschen
22/05/1813 Reichenbach
22/05/1813 Markersdorf
26/05/1813 Haynau (Pol)
27/05/1813 Liegnitz
28/05/1813 Glogau (Pol)
04/06/1813 Luckau
14/06/1813 Reichenbach
17/06/1813 Kleinschkorlopp/Kitzen

- Summer/Autumn campaign:
18-23/08/1813 Bober
21/08/1813 Kruszin
21-22/08/1813 Bunzlau (Pol)
22+27-28/08/1813 Pirna
22/08/1813 Löwenberg (Pol)
22/08/1813 Wietstock
23/08/1813 Goldberg (Pol)
23-25/08/1813 Grossbeeren
26-27/08/1813 Dresden
26/08/1813 Gadebusch
26/08/1813 Krietzschwitz
24-26/08/1813 Katzbach (Pol)
27/08/1813 Belzig
27/08/1813 Hagelberg
28/08/1813 Löbau
29-30/08/1813 Kulm (Cz)
29/08/1813 Löwenberg (Pol)

01/09/1813 Glogau (Pol)
04/09/1813 Löwenberg (Pol)
05/09/1813 Gadegast
06/09/1813 Dennewitz
08/09/1813 Dohna - Pirna
08/09/1813 Nollendorf
09/09/1813 Ebersdorf,
14/09/1813 Nollendorf
16/09/1813 Göhrde 
16/09/1813 Peterswalde
17/09/1813 Arbesau

03/10/1813 Wartenburg

08/10/1813 treaty of Ried

10-11/10/1813 Bad Düben

14-19/10/1813 battle of Leipzig

14/10/1813 Liebertwolkwitz
16/10/1813 Wachau
16/10/1813 Möckern
16/10/1813 Lindenau
18/10/1813 Leipzig
19/10/1813 Leipzig

21/10/1813 Bad Kösen
22/10/1813 Eckartsberga
30/10/1813 Hanau
31/12/1813-01/01/1814 Kaub

- sieges :
Glogau, Hamburg

- in Eastern France :
21/12/1813 Huningue
24+31/12/1813 Ste-Croix-en-Plaine

- in Italy :

- 1814 campaign in France :  nearly exhaustively
             The tourist tour : Napoleon 1814 : the most important places of the campaign of France in the departement of the Aube

- in the North-East :

01/1814 St-Marcel
05/01/1814 Sélestat
06/01/1814 Rothau
09/01/1814 Rambervillers
11/01/1814 Epinal - Saint-Dié
11/01/1814 Hoogstraten
13/01/1814 Merksem - Wijnegem
18/01/1814 Choignes
19/01/1814 Auxonne
20/01/1814 Toul
22/01/1814 Thionville
23/01/1814 Tournus
24/01/1814 Bar-sur-Aube
24/01/1814 Saint-Trond
27/01/1814 Saint-Dizier
27/01/1814 Droyes
27/01/1814 Montier-en-Der
29/01/1814  Brienne-le-Château

01/02/1814 La Rothière
01/02/1814 Dienville
01/02/1814 Bruxelles
02/02/1814 Anvers
02/02/1814 Rosnay-l'Hôpital
02/02/1814 Lesmont
02/02/1814 Piney
03/02/1814 La Chaussée
03-05/02/1814 Clérey
03-08/02/1814 Châtillon
04/02/1814 Saint-Thiébault
04/02/1814 Châlons-sur-Marne
08/02/1814 Chalon-sur-Saône
07-09/02/1814 Nogent-sur-Seine
09/02/1814 La Ferté-sous-Jouarre
09/02/1814 Avesnes
10/02/1814 Champaubert  
11/02/1814 Montmirail
11/02/1814 Sens
11/02/1814 Nogent-sur-Seine
11/02/1814 Sens
12/02/1814 Château-Thierry
13/02/1814 Château-Thierry
13/02/1814 Cuterelles
14/02/1814 Vauchamps
14/02/1814 Soissons
16/02/1814 Guignes
17/02/1814 Nangis
17/02/1814 Mormant
17/02/1814 Valjouan
17/02/1814 Montmirail (2)
18/02/1814 Villeneuve-les-Bordes
18/02/1814 Montereau-Fault-Yonne
18/02/1814 Moret-sur-Loing
20-22/02/1814 Nogent-sur-Seine
20/02/1814 Bray-sur-Seine
22/02/1814 Méry
22/02/1814 Château-Thierry (2)
23/02/1814 Fontvannes
23/02/1814 Troyes
24/02/1814 Bar-sur-Aube
24-28/02/1814 Lusigny-sur-Barse
25/02/1814 Magny-Fouchard
26/02/1814 Bar-sur-Aube (2)
27/02/1814 Bar-sur-Aube (3)
27/02/1814 Meaux
28/02/1814 Dolancourt
28/02/1814 Gué-à-Tresmes
28/02/1814 La Fère

01/03/1814 Lizy-sur-Ourcq
01/03/1814 Mesnil-Saint-Père
01/03/1814 Jouarre
02/03/1814 Bar-sur-Seine
02/03/1814 La Ferté-sous-Jouarre
02/03/1814 Reddition de Soissons
02/03/1814 Fère-Champenoise
03/03/1814 Laubressel
03/03/1814 La Guillotière
03/03/1814 Thennelières
03/03/1814 Neuilly-Saint-Front
03/03/1814 Barce
03/03/1814 Bézu-St-Germain
04/03/1814 Fismes
04/03/1814 Montfaucon
05/03/1814 Reims et Braine
05/03/1814 Berry-au-Bac
07/03/1814 Craonne
07/03/1814 Courtrai
08-09/03/1814 Bergen-op-Zoom
08-09-10/03/1814 Chavignon
09-10/03/1814 Laon
12/03/1814 Reims 
13-14/03/1814 Reims  
13/03/1814 Saint-Nicolas
14/03/1814 Berry-au-Bac
15/03/1814 Compiègne
16/03/1814 Epernay
16/03/1814 Cormeron - Nogent
18/03/1814 Saint-Georges
19/03/1814 Plancy - Méry
19/03/1814 Châtillon
20-21/03/1814 Arcis-sur-Aube
21/03/1814 Epernay
22/03/1814 Orconte
23/03/1814 Maubeuge
23/03/1814 Saint-Dizier
24/03/1814 Doulevant
24/03/1814 Cense de Blacy
25/03/1814 Fère-Champenoise
26/03/1814 Gand
27/03/1814 Meaux
27/03/1814 Saint-Dizier
28/03/1814 Doulevant
29/03/1814 Dolancourt
30/03/1814 Paris - Clichy - Invalides
30/03/1814 Sens

31/03/1814 Paris
31/03/1814 Courtrai

01/04/1814 Belfort
01/04/1814 Compiègne

- in South-Western France: - 1814 :
16/01/1814 Molins de Rey
23-26/02/1814 siège de Bayonne
27/02/1814 Pau - Orthez
12/03/1814 Viella
19/03/1814 Maubourguet - Vic-Bigorre
20/03/1814 Tarbes
10/04/1814 Toulouse, Montferrand.
14/04/1814 Sortie de Bayonne 

- in South-Eastern France:
17/02/1814 Montmélian
01/03/1814 St-Julien-en-Genevois
11/03/1814 Mâcon - Bourg
20/03/1814 Limonest

- in Italy :

- the Return from Elba : le "Vol de l'Aigle" (the Flight of the Eagle) (march 1815) : the conquest of a throne without firing a single shot !

- Seventh Coalition (1815)

- 1815 campaign :  (nearly) exhaustively (reachable starting from this link)
All the places of the 1815 campaign are included in the kmz-file 1815.kmz for GoogleEarth and in a zip-file of POI for the most common GPS

22-23/03/1815 Lille
- in Belgium:
March-beginning of June 1815
06/05/1815 Execution of Saxon soldiers by the Prussians at Liège
24/05/1815 Graty, the first victim of the campaign ?
12/06/1815 Laon
13/06/1815 Avesnes
14/06/1815 Hestrud - Solre - Leers - Beaumont
15/06/1815  Leers-et-Fosteau - Thuin - Thuillies - Jamioulx - Charleroi - Gilly - Brussels
16/06/1815 Quatre-Bras
16/06/1815 Ligny
17/06/1815 Genappe
18/06/1815 Waterloo
18-19/06/1815 Walhain - Wavre
19/06/1815 Maubert-Fontaine
20/06/1815 Nivelles, Namur, Laon

19/06 - 29/08/1815 : siege of Auxonne


- in the Vendée:
03/06/1815 Les Mathes
03/06/1815 Les Sables d'Olonne
20/06/1815 Rocheservière

- in France :
01/07/1815 Rocquencourt
01/07/1815 Foussemagne
25/06-26/08/1815 Huningue
28/06/1815 Villers-Cotterêts
30/06-12/08/1815 Condé, Valenciennes, Avesnes, Le Quesnoy, Marsal, Maubeuge, Landrecies, Neuf-Brisach...

Murat's 1815 campaign

Boneffe remembers Blücher...

Traces of the Russian occupation of France in 1815

Murat in 1815

In white : link towards the page
In yellow : already visited, but not online
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Alain CHAPPET - Roger MARTIN - Alain PIGEARD, Le Guide Napoléon, Bibliothèque Napoléonienne, Tallandier, 2005.

Alain PIGEARD, Dictionnaire des Batailles de Napoléon, Bibliothèque Napoléonienne, Tallandier, 2004.
, J.-C., Atlas de la Grande Armée, Napoléon et ses campagnes, Ed. Séquoia, Paris, Bruxelles, 1966.
Digby Smith, The Greenhill Napoleonic Wars Data Book – Actions and Losses in Personnel, Colours, Standards and Artillery, 1792-1815, Greenhill Books, London, 1998.


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