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page still in the making
1810 Sapataria (Beresford's HQ)
05/02/1810 siege of Cadiz (-> 24/08/1812)
Barba del Puerco (Puerto Seguro)
Barba del Puerco
Barba del Puerco
Barba del Puerco
03-04/1810 Fuenteguinaldo (QG de Wellington)
17/05/1810 Trujillo
30/05-10/07/1810 1st siege of Cuidad Rodrigo
06/1810 Gallegos de Argaňan
11/07/1811 Villar de Puerco (de Argaňan)
Fuerte Concepçion
Battle on the rio Coa (Pt)
Going down from Almeida (behind us) towards the valley of the rio Coa and Portugal.
From Almeida (the road is on the extreme right) towards the bridge (the modern bridge is hiding the historic one).
The ancient road and the historic bridge. Portugal is on the left.
The rio Coa as seen from the bridge. Spain is on the right, Portugal on the left.
24 juillet - 28 août 1810 : Siege of Almeida
The fortified town of Almeida, the key to Portugal, was besieged by Masséna's troops from 24 July until 28 August 1810.
Almeida, the southern gate to the town, porta da S. Francisco. |
A view towards the east and the south on the town's fortifications, taken from
the baluarte de S. João
de Deus : the demilune in the centre of the picture is the revelim dos
Amores with, on the extreme right, the bastion Saint-Franciscus (Baluarte de S.
A few guns on the baluarte de S. Francisco.
The town surrendered when early in the evening of 26 August1810, a lucky French shell hit the powder supply of the old castle of Almeida, causing the explosion of 75 tons of black powder and more than 100.000 rounds. This was probably the hugest explosion during the Napoleonic wars. It caused many victims in town and even toppled some heavy guns from the city walls !
More than 600 infantrymen, 200 gunners and 500 inhabitants of the town were killed. A large part of the town was rased. Very large rocs were hurled in the air and even some French soldiers were killed, kilometres from the town !
The scene of apocalypse was painted by Patrice Courcelle for Bussaco 1810, by René Chartrand, (Osprey).
This is the same place, nowadays : the old castle, or rather what is left of it, quite now...
The windmill of Moura, near Busaco, Maréchal Masséna's command post during the battle.
22/11/1810 Fuentesauco
11/1810 Pero Negro (Wellington's HQ)
page still in the making