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- Wellington's men remembered, A Register of Memorials to Soldiers who fought in the Peninsular War and at Waterloo. Vol 1, A to L , par Janet & David Bromley. (June 2012)
- Wellington's men remembered, A Register of Memorials to Soldiers who fought in the Peninsular War and at Waterloo. Vol 2, M to Z, par Janet & David Bromley. (2015)
There are, however, some important differences with the Guide Napoléon !
Contrary to the Guide Napoléon, this book only mentions (British) soldiers (as well as Allies having fought under Wellington). E.g., the Duke of Brunswick killed at Quatre-Bras is mentioned, but not his father. No artist, politician, or scientist.
Contrary to the Guide Napoléon, there are only British soldiers (having fought under Wellington). No Frenchman, Russian, Austrian, Prussian.
Chiefly in Great-Britain, but also elsewhere, where there are monuments to British soldiers and regiments. E.g. Douglas in Valenciennes is mentioned, but Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle) has been put ... in France !!!
Only soldiers of the Peninsula and 1815. There are, however, monuments in Inda and Canada (Niagara).
About 3000 monuments are mentioned (4500 people in 4000 places in the Guide Napoléon).
The book is made up in alphabetical order of the names. There is, however, a basic geographical index at the end.
Contrary to the Guide Napoléon, there is no campaign index.
There is CD-rom with more than 1700 photos. There are also many pictures in the book. Warning about the CD ! It will only work if the CD-reader is drive letter D !
Like many people who bought Wellington's men Remembered, I had a problem reading the pictures on the CD through the WMR.exe program. I wrote to Pen and Sword and quickly got an answer. After a few day, I got a new copy of the CD... giving exactly the same problem. Fortunately, there was a paper with the new cd explaining how to change the drive letter of your CD reader.
Indeed, the problem with this CD - the only one of HUNDREDS of CD's my PC has read, is that it can ONLY be read if the drive letter of the CD-reader is D. Any other letter will give a problem. INCREDIBLE, but that's it. You have to change the drive letter to D, then it will function.
I don't understand why they did this. The problem is that my D drive is reserved as the factory image of my PC. I changed this, but I warn you this can be a risky business. There is a serious risk this can lead to problems. You are warned. I think Pen& Sword should do something else apart from forcing people to change the complete architecture of their PC to be able to read their CD: make readable CD's !It is more restrictive than the Guide Napoléon, but it is a must have if you visit Britain !
Other -more or less- essential works : (English books are in yellow, as well as books of special interest for those interested in the British Army)
An., Les Maréchaux de Napoléon, Trésors du Patrimoine, 2003.
An, État général de la Légion d'honneur depuis son origine, 1814.
An, Almanach impérial, 1805 - 1813.
Adkin, Mark, The Waterloo Companion, Aurum Press, 2001.
Beauregard, Gérard de - Les Maréchaux de Napoléon, A. Mame et Fils, Tours, s.d..
BERNAERT, F., Fastes militaires des Belges au service de la France (1789-1815), Lamertin éditeur, Bruxelles, 1898.
BEYERN, Bertrand, Guide des cimetières en France, Le Cherche Midi éditeur, Paris, 1994.
BEYERN, Bertrand, Guide des tombes d'hommes célèbres, Le Cherche Midi éditeur, Paris, 1998.
BEYERN, Bertrand, Guide des tombes d'hommes célèbres, Le Cherche Midi éditeur, Paris, 2003.
BOULEZ, Henri-Charles - HENRY, Pierre, Les Maréchaux de l'Aigle, Éditions Dubois, Bruxelles, 1988.
Bukhari, Emir, Napoleon's Marshals, (illustrated by Chris Warner), Osprey Publishing, Men-at-Arms Nr 87. (be cautious, quite some errors in the text!)
Burnham Robert and McGuigan, Ron, The British Army Against Napoleon, Facts, Lists and Trivia, 1805-1815, Frontline Books, 2010.
CHANDLER, David (Editor-in-chief), Napoleon's Marshals, Cassel & Co, 2000.
Charavay, Jacques "Les Généraux morts pour la patrie 1792 - 1871, Notices biographiques" , 2 tomes, 1893
CHARDIGNY, Louis, Les Maréchaux de Napoléon, Bibliothèque Napoléonienne, Tallandier,1977.
Courcelles (Chevalier de), "Dictionnaire historique et biographique des généraux français; depuis le 11e siècle jusqu'en1821", 9 tomes, 1820-1823.
DE LAROIère, Louis, Panthéon militaire ou Mémorial des Généraux belges, Inspecteurs Généraux du Service de Santé & Intendants en Chef, décédés depuis 1830, Établissement typographique et lithographique de C. De Laroière, 1880.
DEMORY, Jean-Claude (under the leadership of), "Maréchaux d'Empire", Edition E/P/A, Hachette, 2008.
Gabrielli, Domenico, Dictionnaire historique du Père-Lachaise (XVIIIe-XIX siècles), Les Éditions de l'Amateur, Paris, 2002.
Haythornthwaite, Philip, Napoleon's Commanders, Osprey Publishing (illustrated by Patrice Courcelle) Part I : 1792-c.1809 Part II : c.1809-1815.
Hugo, Abel, France Militaire – Histoire de Armées françaises de terre et de mer de 1792 à 1837, ouvrage rédigé par une société de militaires et de gens de lettres, Delloye Éditeur, Paris, 1838.
Johnston, Alex. Keith, Atlas to Alison's History of Europe, William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and London, 1848 and 1850.
Jourquin, Jacques, Dictionnaire des Maréchaux du Premier Empire, Tallandier, Paris, 1986.
Lachouque, Henry, Napoléon en 1814, Les Editions Haussmann, Paris, 1959.
Linck, Tony, Napoleon's Generals – The Waterloo Campaign, Emperor's Press, Chicago, s.d. (post 1993).
MARTINIEN, Aristide, Tableaux par corps et par batailles des Officiers tués et blessés pendant les guerres de l'Empire (1805-1815), Editions militaires européennes, Paris (Réédition) (essential !)
The "Martinien" is available on Gallica with its "partie supplémentaire"
MAZE-SENCIER,Geneviève, (sous la coordination de), in collaboration with Christophe BRUN, Eric JAUFFRET, Cosette MILLET - BEX, Jean REVEILLIEZ, Dictionnaire des Maréchaux de France du Moyen-Âge à nos Jours, Perrin, Paris, 1988.
MIGLIORINI, Pierre and QUATREVIEUX, Jean, Batailles de Napoléon dans le Sud-Ouest, Vestiges du face à face Soult-Wellington de Vitoria à Toulouse, 2002, Editions ATLANTICA. Only in French, but of special interest for those who would like to visit the battlefields of 1813-1814. (website here : NAPOLEON, WELLINGTON ET SOULT DANS LE SUD-OUEST EN 1813 - 1814)
MIR, J.-P., La Garde impériale et la campagne de 1814, Dictionnaire des morts et blessés au combat Archives et Culture, s.d..
MULLIé, C., Biographie des Célébrités militaires des armées de Terre et de Mer de 1789 à 1850, Poignavant et Compie, Editeurs, Paris, s.d..
PIGEARD, Alain, Dictionnaire des Batailles de Napoléon, Bibliothèque Napoléonienne, Tallandier, 2004.
QUINTIN, Danielle et Bernard, Dictionnaire des capitaines de vaisseau de Napoléon, S.P.M., Paris, 2003.
QUINTIN, Danielle et Bernard, Dictionnaire des colonels de Napoléon, S.P.M., Paris,1996. (absolutely essential !)
Révérend, A, Armorial du Premier Empire: Titres, majorats et armoiries concédés par Napoléon 1er, au bureau de l' "Annuaire de la Noblesse", 1911.
Ridelle, Louis, Gloire, biscaïen, mitraille et sabretache, Editions Solédi, Liège, 1968. (Six and Quintin, but for the Belgians.)
ROBINET, (Dr) Mémoires et travaux sur la Révolution,
ROQUE, Louis de la, Catalogue historique des généraux français, Bureaux du Bulletin héraldique de France, Paris, 1902 (3 volumes).
SIX, Georges, Dictionnaire biographique des Généraux & Amiraux français de la Révolution et de l'Empire (1792-1814), Saffroy, éditeur, Paris,1934. (absolutely essential !)
SIX, Georges, Les Généraux de la Révolution et de l'Empire, Bernard Giovangeli Editeur, Paris,2002.
Smith, Digby, The Greenhill Napoleonic Wars Data Book – Actions and Losses in Personnel, Colours, Standards and Artillery, 1792-1815, Greenhill Books, London, 1998. ( essential !)
Smith, Digby, Napoleon's Regiments - Battle Histories of the Regiments of the French Army, 1792-1815, Greenhill Books, London, 2000.
Smith, Digby, The Prussian Army to 1815, Schiffer Military History, 2004.
Tranié, Jean, L'épopée napoléonienne - Les grandes batailles, Tallandier-Historia, Paris, pp.140-161. (Very good!).
Thomas, Jean-Pierre, Guide des effigies de Paris, L'Harmattan, 2002.
Tulard, Jean, (under the leadership of), Dictionnaire Napoléon, Fayard, Paris, 1999.
VIGNERON, Hippolyte, La Belgique militaire, Biographie du Roi, des Généraux qui ont été revêtus de commandements dans l'Armée depuis 1830, et des Officiers supérieurs qui ont contribué à fonder l'Indépendance nationale, E. Renier, Bruxelles, 1855.
The "Léonore" database of the French Ministère de la Culture: it lists all the holders of the Légion d'Honneur.
The database of the holders of the Médaille de Sainte-Hélène
The database of the holders of the Ordre Royal et Militaire de Saint-Louis.
All of George Nafziger's OoB are now online and free ! 7985 OoB's from 1625 until 1945. This way, please :
This file (244 pages) gives an explanation of the names of the OoB's. Or you can search HERE.
Thanks to all those who contributed to these websites!
Other works are mentioned in the corresponding pages.