Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MonumentsnapoleoniensACMN/ Already more than 4.600 members. Join us! It's FREE!
member categories
As decided at our general assembly of 24 June 2023 at Fontainebleau, there will be one type of subscription more :
- Support subscription with digital and Paper review (once a year): 40 EUR or more
Thank you for continuing to support us, we need your support to continue our work for the safeguarding and protection of our heritage.
- Regular subscription only with digital review (once a year): 30 EUR
- benefactor member subscription with digital and Paper review (once a year): from 50 EUR on
- DONATING Member subscription with digital and Paper review (once a year): FROM 80 EUR on.
Don't forget, if you haven't done so already, to communicate us you postal and e-mail address.
- Exceptional subscription : 25 EUR with digital review (once a year)(Young people and students younger than 25 Years)
For outside of France
By bank or postal tranfer on account :
ACMN La Source 37 208 23 N033).
IBAN code (International Bank Account Number) FR04
2004 1010 1237 2082 3N03 369
BIC code (Business Identifier Code) :
Beware, since January 1st, 2016, the BIC code is not necessary anymore inside the SEPA area. In some cases, it can even cause an error message. In that case, just do'nt mention the BIC code.
Address :
Association pour la Conservation des Monuments Napoléoniens
(c/o M. F. Nicourt, président)
8, rue Henri Durant, Boîte Postale 10
62150 HOudain
Don’t forget to give us (f.nicourt@laposte.net
your postal and e-mail address.
Application form : Click here
For All MAIL :
Association pour la Conservation des Monuments Napoléoniens
8, rue Henri Durant, Boîte Postale 10
62150 HOudain
Phone: +33/ (0)6 86 99 28 20
E-mail : f.nicourt@laposte.net